We're open!
Northeast ProHealth is open Monday, July 3, and closed Tuesday, July 4.
Please be safe if you are going to celebrate July 4th with fireworks or festivities.
Kristine Park, NP

" My job is not to judge. My job is to lift the fallen, restore the broken and to heal the hurting."
- Yvette
Yvette joined Northeast ProHealth in 2018 after returning to her beloved home state of Texas following five years in Florida. The proud wife of an Army veteran and mother of three, Yvette has dedicated her life to nurturing others.
Yvette's approach is best described as a relationship with your favorite Tia (Aunt). She fully loves and supports you but will not hesitate to say you need to straighten up. If you need a partner for better health, few are better than Yvette.
Yvette is a big fan of Harry Potter and collects memorabilia from the movies and books. She fully supports LGBTQ.
Personal Profile
Hometown: El Paso
Board Certification: Family Practice
College: Nova Southeastern University,
Masters in Nursing